Daddy Joshua takes a break with his youngest daughter, Jana, who has become a world traveler from her home in Bolivia...........................................
Nana Sharon and Brooklyn have a strong bond...they're enjoying the reunion
together this week....they have the blessing of seeing each
other every week in their Colorado homes..............
Daddy Chris and daughter Katie make a family reunion memory with the bumper boats...........Katie knows it's about time to get wet!
Cooper's first Sikes reunion was a hit! Mommy Mindy gets a quick hug before he's off again meeting his huge extended family...........................................
Oh, the apple doesn't fall far the tree! Joyful Adelyn and Joyful Mommy Vanessa spend a few vibrant minutes together!......................................
Zion hasn't been feeling well for quite some time. Daddy Eric and Mommy Jenny gave him alot of special attention. They were able to talk to Doctor Mary about how to help Zion feel better before they return to Mexico and Bolivia.......................
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